In fall pollinators need even more help.

After summer when many flowers are finished, and the temperature cools off is when pollinators need our help the most, because not all pollinators begin to hibernate directly after summer. Many including bees and hummingbirds struggle to find food sources before cold weather sets in.

The Latest Buzz on the Best Pollinator Plants

When you help pollinators, you are not just help them. Pollinators are essential to our food production as well, so for every pollinator plant you add to your garden you know you are helping our entire planet!

Pollination is one of the single most important events which happens on our planet!

Here is a list of plants you can begin to cultivate in your garden which will bloom into fall providing a welcome source of food and shelter for pollinators.

Snapdragon – Blooms Spring to Fall

Sedum – Blooms August to November

Sneezeweed – Blooms August to November

Blue Mist Shrub – Blooms August to October

Goldenrod – Blooms August to November

Salvia Azurea – Blooms August to October

Asters – Blooms September to November

Mums – Bloom September to November

When adding to your garden, consider some of these for a more naturalized look with plants more suited to BC, and many of these are also native to BC!

Did You Know?

The West Coast of BC is home to over 4000 different types of wild bees!

As well as bees BC is home to many other important pollinators as well. Butterflies, hummingbirds, moths, hoverflies, wasps, flies, beetles, midges, male mosquito, and bats!

The male mosquito, unlike the female, spends his days pollinating rather than biting!