Seeing as the life cycles of plants are tied to the seasons, it makes sense that each zodiac sign should have its own corresponding type of greenery! We’ve therefore put together brief horoscopes for all our gardening peers, including plants to consider growing based on your zodiac profile! 

Mother Nature Garden Centre-Powell River-Our Zodiac Sign Gardening Guide for 2023-hot peppers

1. Aries

You’re confident and action-oriented, preferring to boldly go horns-first into anything. Burnout is a real issue for you, so take it slow this new year. 

Aries is a fire sign, so it enjoys spicy plants. This year, plant onions, leeks, hot peppers, garlic, and even arugula to satisfy your desire for heat. 

Mother Nature Garden Centre-Powell River-Our Zodiac Sign Gardening Guide for 2023-beets

2. Taurus

You’re stubborn and set in your ways, but a lesser-known trait is your deep appreciation for beauty and sensory experiences. This season, try to take steps out of your comfort zone. 

Taurus is earthy and loves comfort food, so make sure to plant deeply-rooted vegetables, such as potatoes, beets, turnips, and carrots. 

Mother Nature Garden Centre-Powell River-Our Zodiac Sign Gardening Guide for 2023-echinacea

3. Gemini 

You’re chatty, social, and curious. As a gifted multi-tasker, it’ll be helpful for you to learn ways to tame your boredom. After all, there’s beauty in the slower moments of life, too! 

Geminis enjoy a little pizazz, so easy going medicinal herbs with beautiful flowers—like lavender, echinacea, and calendula—are great additions to a Gemini garden. 

Mother Nature Garden Centre-Powell River-Our Zodiac Sign Gardening Guide for 2023-evening primrose

4. Cancer

You’re sensitive, intuitive, and have a strong sense of home, so you’re keen to burrow into the comfort of your nest. Try to emerge from your shell and face the world to reap greater rewards. 

Cancer is a water sign that is governed by the moon, so night-blooming flowers will bring a beautiful fragrance to your garden at dusk. Consider gardenias, evening primrose, or moonflowers.

Mother Nature Garden Centre-Powell River-Our Zodiac Sign Gardening Guide for 2023-sunflower

5. Leo 

You’re imaginative, fiery, and love being in the limelight. Don’t fret if the spotlight isn’t on you at all times; remember that giving others attention can be just as rewarding.

A Leo’s garden is glamorous and showy, so consider sunflowers, hibiscus, lilies, or peonies

Mother Nature Garden Centre-Powell River-Our Zodiac Sign Gardening Guide for 2023-carrots

6. Virgo 

You’re independent, practical, and dedicated to being the best at everything you do. While it’s great to be detail-oriented, remember to celebrate your progress, not just perfection. 

Virgo is an earth sign, so your garden will be filled with potatoes, organized rows of corn, carrots, and highly productive beans of all kinds.

Mother Nature Garden Centre-Powell River-Our Zodiac Sign Gardening Guide for 2023-roses

7. Libra 

You’re diplomatic and balanced. When it comes to making decisions, you tend to be stuck in limbo, so it’s worth trying to take a leap of faith once in a while and just follow your heart. 

Libra is an air sign that cares about beauty and harmony. Cultivate roses for their show-stopping beauty, but also plant some tomatoes and basil due to their harmonious relationship.

Mother Nature Garden Centre-Powell River-Our Zodiac Sign Gardening Guide for 2023-cucumbers

8. Scorpio 

While you tend to appear calm on the surface, you’re actually battling a whirlwind of emotions beneath. You tend to suppress your emotions, so try and wear your heart on your sleeve more often. 

Scorpio is a water sign, so its garden will grow cucumbers to reflect the “cool as a cucumber” motto. Flowers to plant are the thorned bougainvillea, roses, firethorn, and flowering quince.

Mother Nature Garden Centre-Powell River-Our Zodiac Sign Gardening Guide for 2023-sugar snap peas

9. Sagittarius 

You’re bold and always in search of your next adventure. Although you crave novelty in your life, try to relish in the beauty of seeing things through to the end. 

As a fire sign, Sagittarius’ garden is full of plants that enjoy exploration. Consider fast-growing sugar snap peas that love to climb and a sprawling patch of butternut squash.

Mother Nature Garden Centre-Powell River-Our Zodiac Sign Gardening Guide for 2023-daffodils

10. Capricorn 

You’re organized, serious, and ambitious, with a tendency to burn the midnight oil. While adhering to tradition is important, try to allow your inner childlike joy to shine from time to time. 

Capricorns love to plan ahead, so you’ll want to fill your garden with tulips, daffodils, and irises. Maximize output for your summer garden with vertical growers such as beans, zucchini, peas, and tomatoes.

Mother Nature Garden Centre-Powell River-Our Zodiac Sign Gardening Guide for 2023-swiss chard

11. Aquarius 

You’re a forward-thinking, highly independent person, constantly experimenting with different ways to improve. You tend to lose yourself in your grand ideas, so you’ll benefit from finding ways to stay more grounded. 

An air sign that enjoys independence, Aquarius’ garden will have a mix of easy care and self-directed vegetables such as peas, radishes, Swiss chard, kale, and a variety of lettuce.

Mother Nature Garden Centre-Powell River-Our Zodiac Sign Gardening Guide for 2023-lupine

12. Pisces 

You’re empathetic, sensitive, and filled to the brim with creative energy. You also have a vivid imagination, so you should leverage this skill toward a passion project this year. 

As a fish sign, the Piscean garden is filled with plants that share an oceanic colour palette. Lupines, cucumbers, and melons fill your garden, and there are also a variety of aquatic plants in your pond.

If you’re looking for help starting your 2023 zodiac garden, stop by our garden centre in Powell River today. We’ll help you fill your garden with the perfect plants for you, as well as help you pick up some pet supplies or gifts from our home decor department!