Every summer so many of us look forward to all the beautiful blooms we will enjoy; choosing annual flowers is one if the best ways to go! They are versatile and can be used in planters on our decks, in various places in the yard, and of course you can also directly plant them in gardens!

Blooms to last all Summer!

Whether you prefer vibrant petunias, cheerful marigolds, or delicate impatiens, there’s an annual flower to suit every taste and style. Planting these flowers not only enhances the beauty of outdoor spaces but also creates a welcoming atmosphere for family gatherings and peaceful moments of solitude. Use annuals in all your outdoor spaces. Choose sun loving plants, such as petunias, osteospermum, zinnia, cosmos, calendula, verbena, and gerbera for areas which are open and in sunny spots, and for your shady areas you can plant begonia, fuchsia, lobelia, impatient, coleus, viola, and astilbe.

Picking the Perfect Plant
To ensure a stunning display, it’s important to choose the right varieties for your specific climate and soil conditions. Additionally, regular watering, deadheading, and fertilizing can help keep your blooms looking fresh and vibrant throughout the season. For those who love to mix things up, consider experimenting with different color combinations and arrangements to create a truly unique garden.

Annual flowers are not just for the summer months. Some varieties can be planted in early spring or late fall, extending the bloom period and providing continuous enjoyment.
Incorporating annual flowers into your outdoor space is a delightful way to celebrate the changing seasons and bring a touch of nature’s beauty into your daily life. So, grab your gardening gloves, gather your favorite plants, and get ready to create a colorful oasis that will bring joy and inspiration all summer long.
Feeling Seedy?
Here are some annual plants which grow well from seed.





Sweet Pea

Edible Annuals

Take your salads to the next level! Many annual blooms are edible and not only range in flavour from sweet to spicy and add the finishing touch to your salads which will make you the hostess with the mostess!
Favorite flowers to add to salads are nasturtium, calendula, violet, pansey, borage, and marigolds.

Pollinators Love Annuals

Your annuals will do double duty in the garden this summer. Not only do they provide colour and vibrance to your spaces, but annuals also provide and important source of nectar for pollinators, from bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and so many others! Annuals are a perfect bridge for your perennials which may only bloom for short periods of time or some years not at all!

Annuals have their name because sadly these vibrant blooms complete their lie cycles in one growing season and most die after producing seeds. But while they are blooming they are large and lovely. Fill them in every space you have including bare spots in your perennial garden. Annuals may be once a year, but they are worth every bit of it!
Happy gardening!
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